Bail Bonds in Houston County, AL

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Bail bonds

If you are detained for a serious criminal offense, you must stay in prison while awaiting the bail hearing. At the bail hearing, the court will determine the amount of bail that will get you released. If you or a friend can quickly raise the money, then everything is fine. But if you don't have any available funds, you are forced to stay in jail while waiting for your trial -- a scary thing to contemplate. Luckily, there is a solution: You or your family can seek help from a bondsman who can post your bail to the court, get you released from prison.

But how do you connect with a bonding company ? That's where our site can assist you: We will help you locate a trustworthy and reliable bondsman in Houston County who can post the necessary bail to make it possible for you to get out of jail.

Definition of bail bond

A bail bond will allow the defendant to be released from the custody of the police coupled with some preconditions specified by the judge. For example, the accused is not allowed to get out of the state while the trial is still ongoing. If the defendant takes off or neglects to show up at the scheduled trial in spite of multiple summons, the judge is going to forfeit the bond.

The bail bond applies to both civil and criminal charges. With the surety, the bondsman in Houston County is responsible to the court in case the offender takes off.

Why should I care about bail?

Except if you want to stay in prison, you will have to make bail. However, not many individuals can come up with the money, which is why a bail bondsman is very important to anybody who wishes to wait for their trial out of jail.

The exact amount of bail {will vary|depends on a lot of different aspects. As an example, two individuals who committed the same crime can have very different amounts of bail. This is because the judge will take into consideration your financial circumstances, previous arrests, your roots in the community, and whether or not you are a flight risk.

In almost all states, the cost of a bail bond is usually 10-20% of the total bail amount, and this is non-refundable.

In addition, the bonding company can assist you with the complicated judicial procedures. It's easier to hire their services then to deal with the court by yourself.

How the bail bonds process works

Don't forget: In the event that you get arrested and booked for a supposed crime, instantly request for an attorney to work with you and protect your legal rights. Furthermore, get in touch with a trusted family member to connect you with a bonding company to begin the bail process. When this link is made, the bonding company will want answers to simple questions like the suspect's name, date of birth, and the place or city of the arrest. The bondsman will then propose to put up the bail on your behalf in return for a service fee. As soon as the agreement is made, the bonding company will move forward with the necessary actions to secure your release. Within hours, after the action taken by your bail bondsman, you can walk out of prison, a free man once more.

Information your bail bondsman needs

If you speak with a bail bondsman, you will have to provide the following details:

  • Your name if you are the suspect
  • The name and location of the prison where the accused is held
  • The booking number in the police blotter
  • The complaints filed against the offender
  • Any other relevant info

What is accepted as collateral?

In most cases, the bonding company requires collateral with the deal. This is understandable, taking into account the risks involved. An inmate is a possible flight risk, and are many examples where a bondsman had to employ the services of a bounty hunter to recover the fleeing offender.

But what is acceptable as collateral? In a nut-shell, if a bonding company considers something valuable, you are able to use it as a guarantee for the bond. Listed below are a some examples:

  • Real estate
  • Vehicles
  • Equities
  • Jewelry
  • Electronics
  • Bank accounts
  • Visa or mastercard

If you have trouble paying for the bail bond, bail bonds companies have payment plans that you can make use of. Simply speak with the bail bondsman to determine what option is the best one with regard to your situation.

You can use this site to look for a bonding company that will be perfect for you. Most of them are open 24x7, ready to assist you or a family member to spend the least amount of time in jail as possible.

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